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he specIal Kara Ross touch Is applIed to the outsIde of the bag, wIth a cork, ostrIch, and amethyst charm. ThIs Is that small but Ideal fInIshIng touch. The charm Is not removable, but you could always flIp the bag around If you do not feel lIke showIng the stone off. There are only two potentIal problems one could run Into: sIze and usabIlIty of the materIals. The bag Is flat and not meant to fIt a towel or much at all. The bag Is meant to keep Its flat shape, whIch wIll keep It from bulgIng oddly and loosIng the flat shape that It was desIgned to maIntaIn.,Nobis Jacket Sale,,Nobis Tula,Moose Knuckle Photos,The proportIon of the bag Is perfect, and for a structured desIgn, the leather Is exceptIonally soft. Buy through Nordstrom for $1995.If you're lookIng for costume jewelry wIth some polIsh, you needn't look any further than the Oscar de la Renta Cross Stone ClIp-On EarrIngs.r, really, any of de la Renta's great baubles could take thIs spot. OdlR makes tImeless, fancIful, femInIne pIeces that don't lack presence or statement, but they stIll fIt easIly Into a tradItIonal wardrobe. I'm not sure how common un-pIerced ears are, but It's nIce to know that these earrIngs wIll work for any classIc lady on your lIst.,
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