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Joined: 28 Apr 2012
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Location: Kyrgyzstan
iPhone 4S Deals ? Reply with quote
My Question is; is The iPhone's personal helper Siri limited strictly to the iPhone 4S? not surprisingly, Apple made a commotion regarding the iPhone's Siri, which comes integrated into the newest iPhone 4S and should allegedly only operate with that variation. It has not escaped my consideration which Siri once worked with different iPhone versions. It was easily accessible as an iPhone app provided by Apple. Does anybody know with much more concerning this? Might it be that Siri just won't work with older iPhone types because the iPhone 4S is superior or apple intentionally constraining it as a means to make more capitalAn additional problem I require suggestions with: Has the iPhone 4S antenna trouble of the predecessor been resolved? You might remember the concern that if you grasp the iPhone 4 in a certain way, it cuts the reception to your internal aerial. Apple resolved the concern by giving free of charge iPhone cases to buyers which really helped prevent the death grip, on the other hand actual problem by no means vanished.. Please help me all iPhone persons.

Source: iPhone 4S Deals
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