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Joined: 28 Apr 2012
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Location: Mongolia
iPhone Contracts ? Reply with quote
Is Siri actually limited to your iPhone 4S? The issue is, Now i'm thinking of buying the iPhone mainly because I have learned benefits of it particularly Siri. I just read that Siri once worked on all iPhones. Apple purchased the corporation in 2011, in advance of which, Siri was a separate application that one could get 100 % free in the App Store. So is Apple unnaturally hobbling it? Perhaps there is some kind of logical limitation in Siri’s iOS 5? Will it really take a cellphone as amazing as apple iPhone 4S to utilize it? Of course, if that is the case, surely, the iPad 2 would most likely work additionally? One more problem I require assistance concerning: Has the iPhone 4S aerial trouble of the iPhone 4 been sorted out? It was conversation point when news were spilled of the iPhone 4 coverage failing when held in certain manner Apple had gone some distance to solving the difficulty by providing cost-free iPhone cases. Help me all iPhone individuals.

Source: iPhone
iPhone 4S Contract
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